The list will be continuously updated as additional speakers are confirmed.
Damià Barceló
University of Almeria, Spain
Title: A Global vision of Climate Change and Water Scarcity with Local Solutions using Advanced Technologies for the Removal of Emerging Contaminants
Despo Fatta-Kassinos
University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Title: Confronting micropollutants and antimicrobial resistance: Transforming wastewater treatment plants into reclaimed water facilities for climate resilience
Davide Vione
University of Turin, Italy
Title: Photodegradation of organic pollutants in surface waters
Apostolos Voulgarakis
Technical University of Crete, Greece
Title: Atmospheric chemistry and climate science: a tale of two interconnected scientific fields
Reda Dzingelevičienė
Klaipeda University, Lithuania
Title: Nanoplastics: The Hidden Environmental Health Crisis
Ioannis Katsogiannis
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Title: Novel strategies for hexavalent chromium removal from waters
Silvia Lacorte
Title: To be announced
Dionissios Mantzavinos
University of Patras, Greece
Title: Biomass Valorization in the Context of Sustainable Engineering & Circular Economy
Manuel Miró
University of the Balearic Islands, Spain
Title: Dynamic flow-through bioaccessibility tests for exposomics of plastic-borne additives
Lourdes Ramos
Title: Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography in environmental analysis: suspect and non-target screening of persistent organic pollutants
Euripides G. Stephanou
University of Crete, Greece
Title: Environmental Chemistry and Epidemiology: Essential Synergy for Studying Vulnerable Populations' Exposure to Endocrine Disruptors and Neurotoxic Chemicals
Lorena Vidal
University of Alicante, Spain
Title: Extraction of target substances by green solvents